Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Love is 5

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Love is a feeling.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby, don't hurt me.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: So who is Yoshiya Kiryuu?

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Don't answer my question with a question.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don t hurt me!

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: A felling I think.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me.

User: What. Is. Love?

Cleverbot: Yes, love.


Cleverbot: Yes.


Cleverbot: 5.


Cleverbot: Yeah, baby don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!

User: Ugh. I'm asking you what love is. Not lyrics.

Cleverbot: Tell me yours and I tell you mine.

User: What is love?

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me.


Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me.


Cleverbot: Could you tell me your reasons about why you chose Evolution.


Cleverbot: Agreed.

love is five apparently...

Friday, August 12, 2011

I was talking to Cleaverbot

and this is what I got....

Cleverbot: What is love?

User: Love is when you are a full person and the other person is a full person, but when you come together, you make eachother's full personality amplify. And you work together like a well greased machine. You are similar where it counts and different where it helps. Like being an optimist and a pessimist. If you have one head in the clouds and one with feet planted on the ground, there is nowhere you can't reach. Love is when you don't compleate someone, it's when you are fine by yourself, but better when they are around. Love is pure. Love is passionate. Love is something that we give everything up for just for that one chance at a happlily ever after. And once you find it...my god, believe me you'll know. Because I'm there. I knew from the moment I heard his voice that he was the one. And now...I want nothing more than to be like this forever....we don't even have to be touching and I'm still as girly as I was with him the day I met him. I still get butterflies. I still get fireworks. The only thing that has changed is the amount of love I have for him. And that...it's not measurable....That is love.
Cleverbot: Specifically, which category of cheese do you want?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I did this test where I clicked on colors.

Your Existing Situation

Feels her position is threatened or not properly recognized by others and feels defensive. Determined to go after her goals despite her fear of bringing conflict upon himself.

Your Stress Sources

"Needs some help and support in order to improve her current situation. her lack of appreciation and understanding makes her feel as though no real connection exists, causing her to feel touchy and sensitive. she needs to feel safer and more carefree. Wants to get away from the depressing relationship is and re-establish her individuality. she is sexually self-disciplined which makes her unable to give to much to others; however, the isolation she feels makes her wanting to surrender and give in to her sexual desires. her mixed emotions make her feel a weakness she must overcome, so she continues to hold back her feelings and is confident that makes her uniqueness stand outdo. "

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Feels she is getting less than she deserves for all her hard work; however, she makes no effort to change things and tries to make the best of the situation."
"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."
His arrogance causes her to take offense quickly. Only those closest to her know deep down she is sensitive and sentimental.
"He is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity, but can be restless and emotionally distant so she never really gets too involved with others."

Your Desired Objective

"His current situation is viewed as unpleasant and demanding to much out of her. she is stubborn and close-minding, feeling her way is the only correct way."

Your Actual Problem

"Struggles with her need for respect and admiration from others; feels she needs to make a name for herself and stand out from the crowd. she acts out by insisting she be the center of attention, and refuses to step back, stand down, or take on a minor, insignificant role."

Your Actual Problem #2

Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. she reacts by blaming others for her shortcomings and acts out in a rebellious and harsh way.


"Organized and detail-oriented, he has a very precise and methodical manner. He needs relationships which offer him understanding, respect, and approval."

"Looking to stand out in the crowd and wanting to keep his rank and status. His current situation is irritating him because he can't seem to find anybody out there who values the same high standards he does. He is feeling isolated and wants to give in to his carnal urges, but can't bring himself to appear weak in the eyes of others. Wants others to see his unique qualities and character but can't stand to come off as needy, so instead he has an ""I don't care"" attitude and pushing people away. He turns his back on those who criticizes his behavior, but beneath his indifference is a person who is in desperate need of approval."

Giving more than he is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels he is being forced into compromising and even his close relationships leave him feeling emotional distant. Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life. He is being forced to be happiness and pleasure on hold for new due to his limiting circumstances.

Is easily exhausted from too much argument and harsh circumstances. Sensitive and looks for sympathy and understanding from others.

"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave him feeling the same way. Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop his intellect. He tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go his way and his desires are easier to reach."

Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics he likes in other people and apply it to himself as well as coming across as a unique individual.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I was talking to a bunch of guys about love who I met online like not even a week ago,

and this is what I wrote...

Love is rediculous. And...Humans scientifically were not meant to love. But I think Humans spiritually were made to love. And the human spirit is greater than all of science.
I've got the smarts sometimes
Anyone else agree that love makes no sense
I mean
you set yourself for heartbreak over and over for that ONE chance at love
true love I mean
and most people never find it
but we put ourselves on the chopping block to find it
And we sacrifice so much for it
We become foolish
and blind to all reason
left to look back and ask what the fuck happened
and why you did what you did
and then we do it again
and again
and again.
For that
at true love...."

Do you all agree? I mean, I know that girls do this...Do most guys? Not a lot of them, I bet. 
And this is another convo I had with another guy
Oh yeah
I believe that if you have to change
or change the other person
you aren't in love with them
you're in love with who you want them to be
and you should look for the person who IS that person by just being them"
I think I am begining to understand this love thing...or at least learn about what NOT to do. And what to look for.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I wrote this on my tumblr

It was SUPOSED to only be two lines- "I smell like you and now I'm sad"
But I got carried away in writing the blog, and I feel like this is something that should be read.

I smell like you
And now I’m sad.
I actually feel like I’m about to cry.
Not because I feel broken
But because I feel like something is missing.
I miss you
A lot
and I want to spend forever in your arms.
I couldn’t tell you how many times I wished that I didn’t have to go home
Not only today
but every
time I am with you.
I swear
I can’t get enough
I really
It’s been an hour.
One itty bitty hour
Out of the seven I spent with you today
And I still miss you.
I could honestly say that I want you to be the first and last thing I see every day
I want you to be the one I go to when I am crying
or even when I’m just looking for a smile.
I couldn’t ask for more than just more time with you.
And we can all guess by now that I want to spend forever with you.
But what scares me is that forever will seem too short with you.
Because the hours melt into mear seconds when I’m even NEAR you.
But I would be willing to spend what feels like days with you if it meant that I would love no one else.
And you would love only me.
And what is even better
Is that I know you feel the same.
I love you.
And no matter what happens to us
You will always have a piece of my heart
if not all of it.
But for now
I just want to spend as much time with you as I can.
Because you make me happy
Down to the deepest parts of my being
Make me

Feel something I could never explain
I can’t put this into words
and so instead of saying this to you
I will shorten it to
“I love you”


Monday, June 27, 2011

As you know, I have not admitted that I want to spend forever with Alex.

But today he asked me how long he saw us being together. I was shocked and replied with "I don't know. I can't tell the future". He continued this for quite some time which leads me to believe he wants to be with me forever.

Now keep that in mind as I tell you something related.

I've been trying to help people with their problems because it makes me feel better about myself when I know I have made a positive difference. Now, this is the conversation my friend Sean and I had with our friend, Andre' over facebook-

I wish their were girls who could judge a man for how he is, not how he looks...But I guess that's never going to happen...:/ not feeling good :(
Sean It can happen man just need to look for her 
Andra They are rare, but I could gladly say I'm one, so they are out there.
Sean  And she is one

Andre' See sean there are people out there, and yes I know you are one Andra thats what i like abt u. your awesome :) and sean I'm happy for you and Emily because she doesn't care about your looks, she likes you for who you are and I wish I could have someone like tht for me :/

Andra She'll be out there soon enough. You can't force it or it wont happen. She comes out of the blue when you least expect it. And when she's there, you'll know, and you'll make a move, and she will except you for you.

Wait what's that suppose to mean? Jk just keep trying dude I was legit gonna quit until emily came around man just don't Fuck around when do get ur next one

That was harsh, but true. I fucked up my last two relationships and now I'm trying my best in this one. But you'll get there when you get there.

Its not harsh im just saying if u really want to keep her don't mess around let her know u wanna keep her :D

Exactly. That's why I fucked up the last time. He didn't tell me I was special to him so I grew apart from him. Now this one tells me at least once an hour and let me tell you- I admit- I would have no problem spending forever with him. It's all in the words and commitment.


Now I hadn't admitted that I wanted to spend forever with him because, as you know, I said it to the last few guys and I ended up in bad places with them and getting my heart beaten.

Alex saw this conversation.
Here is the one between us-

[8:09:20 PM] Andra Deanna: I FEEL AWESOME

[8:09:37 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: lol

[8:10:08 PM] Andra Deanna: It's like I matter to people and shit! :D

[8:10:26 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: You do matter, to me. A lot.

[8:12:06 PM] Andra Deanna: I know you do. And if you read the last thing I wrote on facebook on someone's profile, you would know I know.

[8:14:15 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Awe hehe

[8:14:37 PM] Andra Deanna: Please tell me you didn't see it...

[8:14:44 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: I did.

[8:14:49 PM] Andra Deanna: FUCK.

[8:14:53 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: What?

[8:14:56 PM] Andra Deanna: OH
[8:15:01 PM] Andra Deanna: You saw MY status??
[8:15:06 PM] Andra Deanna: That's not what I meant.

[8:15:19 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: I saw what your wrote on Andre's status

[8:15:22 PM] Andra Deanna: FUCK FUCK FUCK
[8:15:24 PM] Andra Deanna: -_-

[8:15:26 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: xD
[8:15:29 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Win

[8:15:34 PM] Andra Deanna: :(

[8:15:37 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: WHAT?!

[8:15:53 PM] Andra Deanna: That wasn't suposed to be known...

[8:15:58 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: WHY?

[8:16:01 PM] Andra Deanna: I'm all embarassed now...

[8:16:08 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: You are so in love.

[8:16:37 PM] Andra Deanna: I know...
[8:16:42 PM] Andra Deanna: I just - eh.

[8:16:46 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Just what?

[8:16:55 PM] Andra Deanna: Nothing.

[8:17:03 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Ok ok.

[8:17:23 PM] Andra Deanna: I'm all mad at myself now.

[8:17:39 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Why?

[8:17:53 PM] Andra Deanna: I promised myself I wouldn't let this happen again...

[8:17:59 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: What happen...

[8:18:19 PM] Andra Deanna: I fall in love with someone like this.
[8:18:20 PM] Andra Deanna: Like
[8:18:25 PM] Andra Deanna: I would
[8:18:33 PM] Andra Deanna: but I didn't want to express it
[8:18:38 PM] Andra Deanna: -_-

[8:18:49 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Why?

[8:18:59 PM] Andra Deanna: Because I did with every other guy
[8:19:10 PM] Andra Deanna: and then it all fell apart
[8:19:32 PM] Andra Deanna: I've built too many futures and seen all of them crash and burn.

[8:19:46 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Because you express that you love me, you think I'll leave you?

[8:19:55 PM] Andra Deanna: No.
[8:19:58 PM] Andra Deanna: Just...
[8:20:04 PM] Andra Deanna: not THAT part.
[8:20:15 PM] Andra Deanna: Nevermind...

[8:20:17 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: ...well...idk...I feel all sad

[8:20:20 PM] Andra Deanna: Why?

[8:20:57 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Just...idk...I feel like this means something bad.

[8:21:08 PM] Andra Deanna: It doesn't.
[8:22:47 PM] Andra Deanna: I'm not going to let this fall apart. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I want to hold onto that for as long as I can. I would do anything to have you for a long long long time and because of that-I wont let us grow apart. You mean too much to me.

[8:24:01 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: I love you babe.

[8:25:11 PM] Andra Deanna: I love you too. Don't ever doubt that. I really really REALLY do speak from the bottom of my heart when I say all of this.

[8:25:47 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: I mean it too babe. I never doubted it.

[8:26:59 PM] Andra Deanna: And I wont fuck this up. I don't want to. Like I said, Anthony never made me feel special so I grew apart from him. He didn't give me what I needed. And you do just that.

[8:27:10 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Awe thanks love.

[8:27:48 PM] Andra Deanna: I don't care if you think I will find someone better than you, because in my eyes, there is no one better. I feel for you for a reason. And it's only proven correct.

[8:28:20 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Awe babe...

[8:30:04 PM] Andra Deanna: I may not express my feelings deeper than "I love you" often, but when I do, you know it's true. I feel like I have so much more to say to you, but I just can't formulate the words into sentances that fit these emotions proparly. If there was a stronger sentance than "I love you" I would say it.

[8:30:33 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: I would too babe, but there really isn't.

[8:30:57 PM] Andra Deanna: So long story short...The feelings ARE mutual. I'm just afraid to say it.

[8:31:09 PM] Alex Bicki[Keyboard Warrior]: Ok ok. Haha.


So long story short, It's happening again. But it feels different this time...But as a defence mecanism, my mind is telling me not to fall again...or at least let him know I'm falling again. It's not a secret anymore, but I can pretend it is...

I'm having issues again...
but good ones, as far as issues come.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I went to a wedding today.

My grandmother's wedding. You could tell that they loved each other.

But what got me most of all was seeing my great-grandmother talk about her dead husband. They were married for 54 years and by the stories I've heard, they were both very very in love with each other. Like classic love story in love.

He ran a bar and he let her play the piano there even though she was under aged. She had a huge crush on him and soon that feeling became mutual. They got married and had two or three children who went on to have kids who went on to have kids.

And from what I've heard, they were in the deepest form of love. My father told me that they didn't have to speak-he just put his hand on her shoulder and that would be enough to show how much they loved each other.

And at the wedding today, she was telling me how he was always her greatest audience. He would stay up all night and listen to her play while he read. She started to well up and that's when she confirmed my father's story.

"When you're really in love, you will know because you wont even have to speak to each other."
and then I understood.
"Like a spiritual conversation." I replied.

So I guess there are different forms of love, but there is only one PURE love. And that love is the kind you know is right. And you will want to hold onto that forever.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I don't know much about love...

But I've been in love 4 times now, and each time, it's been different.
The first time was disgusting. I was desperately clinging to him because I didn't know what a real relationship was. I needed stability in my unstable world. I felt like I would die without him and so I clung to him for a year even when he pushed me away. But we named our future children and he promised to marry me. Of course he never followed through with that and he left me for someone else out of the blue. That was when I went through my first REAL heartbreak. 9 months of denial and writing letters to him in my journal. Then I finally moved on...

The second time it was puppy love that I forced myself to be in because others said I shouldn't. I was co-dependant on him and let my friends and family grow apart from me because of it. I ruined my entire life, but gained valuable boyfriend/girlfriend relationship skills from it. I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship with a guy who really didn't care all that much about me. He gave 10% while I gave 110%. But he proposed to me and of course, I said yes. We named our future children and I promised him I would save him from the world. A good year and a half with him and f course, we broke up. I moved right on to the next boy who I thought could give me the world the others couldn't.

The third time. He could have given me a bright and false world, but I'm a romantic, so that didn't work out. In other words, I made myself love him because my parents and family said I should. He was rich and had his head on straight. But he was also pompous and arrogant. Caused fights whenever he could. I cheated on him with the second because I was dis-satisfied. I cried because I missed the second because I couldn't get over him. I changed myself for him and in turn, made my entire life a lie to myself. But much like the rest, we named our future children and planned to get married. It lasted 4 months before I HAD to stop it.

And the fourth. He loves me for me. Even though everyone (including myself) told him it wouldn't be a good idea to date me, he made it his mission to pursue me. He tells me that he doesn't want to think of the past or future, but I know that he wants what the others want. I love him for him. I've never been more content. I'm not completely co-dependant and I have developed a sense of self. I've made positive changes that I will remember forever in my life because of him. We haven't talked about a future together, but for some reason, this feels real. Unlike the others, I don't see the ending. I never find myself asking why I'm with him or if this is right.

You know the feeling you get when you know something is wrong- Do you ever get the feeling that something is RIGHT? Because that's what I have.

Is love always different or is it just me?

Have I grown more independent because of these relationships? And does that make me less sensitive?

Does it seem a bit odd that the one person I haven't planned a "forever" with is the best relationship I've ever had?

Or is this just love in general?
