and this is what I wrote...
Anyone else agree that love makes no sense
I mean
you set yourself for heartbreak over and over for that ONE chance at love
true love I mean
and most people never find it
but we put ourselves on the chopping block to find it
And we sacrifice so much for it
We become foolish
and blind to all reason
left to look back and ask what the fuck happened
and why you did what you did
and then we do it again
and again
and again.
For that
at true love...."
Do you all agree? I mean, I know that girls do this...Do most guys? Not a lot of them, I bet.
Do you all agree? I mean, I know that girls do this...Do most guys? Not a lot of them, I bet.
And this is another convo I had with another guy
Oh yeah
I believe that if you have to change
or change the other person
you aren't in love with them
you're in love with who you want them to be
and you should look for the person who IS that person by just being them"
I think I am begining to understand this love thing...or at least learn about what NOT to do. And what to look for.
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