Sunday, June 26, 2011

I went to a wedding today.

My grandmother's wedding. You could tell that they loved each other.

But what got me most of all was seeing my great-grandmother talk about her dead husband. They were married for 54 years and by the stories I've heard, they were both very very in love with each other. Like classic love story in love.

He ran a bar and he let her play the piano there even though she was under aged. She had a huge crush on him and soon that feeling became mutual. They got married and had two or three children who went on to have kids who went on to have kids.

And from what I've heard, they were in the deepest form of love. My father told me that they didn't have to speak-he just put his hand on her shoulder and that would be enough to show how much they loved each other.

And at the wedding today, she was telling me how he was always her greatest audience. He would stay up all night and listen to her play while he read. She started to well up and that's when she confirmed my father's story.

"When you're really in love, you will know because you wont even have to speak to each other."
and then I understood.
"Like a spiritual conversation." I replied.

So I guess there are different forms of love, but there is only one PURE love. And that love is the kind you know is right. And you will want to hold onto that forever.

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